Dr. Roger Foo is a graduate of the Medical School at NUS and has nearly 20 years of training and work experience in UK and USA. Prior to his return to Singapore, he was a Research Fellow and Consultant Physician at the University of Cambridge and at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, the University teaching hospital at Cambridge.
He led a research group of scientists based in the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, where he continues to hold a Visiting Fellowship. He was a recipient of awards such as the British Cardiac Society Philip White Fellowship, The Wellcome Trust Advanced Research Fellowship and The British Heart Foundation Intermediate Research Fellowship.
He was also one of 4 finalists for the prestigious Louis N. and Arnold M. Katz Basic Science Research Prize awarded by the Basic Cardiovascular Science Council of the American Heart Association.
His laboratory’s research focus is Cardiovascular Epigenomics and Epigenetics. This work makes use of human and experimental models of disease, and harnesses a range of genome wide integrative technology based both at the Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI) and the Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS).