Q4 2024: We are delighted that one of our UK-based investee firms, 52 North Health has successfully completed a seed capital round of £3.65m.
This Cambridge-based company is revolutionizing medical diagnostics with a low-cost, portable device and digital platform that enables patients to perform a finger-prick blood test for sepsis at home. The test assesses the risk of nephrotic syndrome (NS) by measuring neutrophils and c-reactive protein (CRP—a critical sepsis marker), empowering doctors to triage patients more safely and effectively post-operation or chemotherapy.
In the UK alone, this innovative solution could:
– Prevent up to 50,000 A&E visits annually
– Reduce delays in antibiotic administration
– Save lives from sepsis (which claims ~48,000 lives each year in the UK alone)
– Save the NHS tens of millions of pounds
We are proud to support 52 North Health as they pave the way for smarter, safer healthcare solutions.
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